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Celebrating Music from All Around the World


Composer, Speaker, Content Creator

            Dr. David Asher Brown is a composer, speaker, and video maker based in Los Angeles, California. His music is just as likely to be written for orchestra as it is for MIDI-mapped Nintendo controllers. His greatest sources of musical inspiration include (no joke) Renaissance counterpoint, Balinese Gamelan, German 80’s bands, and the movie Cinema Paradiso.


            The Metropolitan Opera's William Lewis praised him as, "one of the most brilliant music makers it has been my pleasure to serve." Additionally, Brown is the founder and CEO of PianoCub, which offers high-quality online piano instruction. He gives talks to businesses, schools, and organizations about how thinking like a musician can help solve problems and build teams.

            His musical activities take him around the world, including conducting engagements in France and Austria and a composition grant in the Czech Republic. His principal past instructors include Morten Lauridsen, Donald Crockett, Frank Ticheli, Erica Muhl, Dan Welcher, Donald Grantham, Ladislav Kubik, and Stella Sung.

            Brown earned his doctorate in music composition at the University of Southern California. In addition to having conducted and coached numerous opera and musical theater productions in the United States and abroad, he regularly conducts several children's orchestras and guest conducts various college and professional orchestras. He is the founder and director of the Yiddish Music Collective, which works to perform Yiddish-language musical works, many of which have gone unperformed for nearly a century. He also creates social media videos about music from all around the world.

            When not working, Brown loves to cook, travel, spend time with his family, and write about himself in the third person.

Get in Touch

Are you looking for a speaker for your event? Do you represent a business that would like to discuss promotion opportunities? Are you interested in performing some of my music? Something else? Please send me an email!


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